New Trends in Kitchen Design
The future of kitchens is shifting away from high gloss white and breakfast bars. The modern city living and open plan living encourages new designs. Using a mixture of finishes and textures and creating new and innovative storage solutions with clever push open cupboards the kitchen is evolving. The colours are muted, natural and more bespoke in design. Gone are the kitchen stools and the dining table becomes a feature or extension of the overall design. Lots of greenery is featured and using stone, timber and gloss in a variety of texture and shapes makes the future of kitchen design really exciting.
Have a look at the video to see what designers and suppliers are looking forward to in 2015 and beyond.
We custom design and install Kitchens for our clients. By taking the extra care with designing the kitchen as another room in the overall scheme of the house design is imporatant to us.
For a look at the latest trends from Eurocucina 2015 dowload the PDF catalogue here.